If you're considering self-hosting your website, then it's important to understand the experience, knowledge and oversight that will be required for that. Learn more about self-hosting here.
All the sites we built and manage using WordPress. As you will always own your site you can choose to host your site with another provider at anytime. Many hosting providers support WordPress. However we should note you most likely will not be getting the same experience or features with another hosting provider.
Here are just some of the features/services you receive with imFORZA managed hosting:
- HTTPS Support
- IPv6 Support
- Managed DNS
- CDN configuration to improve site performance
- Automatic access and setup to our Premium Plugins ($300+ value)
- Automatic updates to WordPress, Plugins and Themes
- Automatic site backups performed daily, weekly, and monthly
- Automatic site security scans
- 1 hour of monthly support
If you still desire to host your website with another provider, you will want to make sure your hosting provider supports the latest version of WordPress. We also suggest asking a few of these other questions:
- Are you a WordPress only hosting provider?
- Who is responsible for maintaining update to WordPress, Plugins, and Themes used on the site?
- Who is responsible for maintaining backups? How often are backups performed? Will I have access to the backups? Is there an additional charge involved?
- Do you support HTTPS? What are the costs for an SSL Certificate? Who is responsible to install it and verify it is working correctly?
- Do you offer a CDN? What are the costs? Who is responsible to set it up?
- Do you offer IPv6 support?
- What version of PHP and MySQL do you use? What version of Apache or NGINX?