What is a pillar page?

This is a one-stop-shop webpage that offers a comprehensive overview of a specific topic, designed to be the cornerstone of your content marketing efforts.

A pillar page, also known as a content pillar or resource pillar, is a comprehensive and authoritative webpage that serves as the foundation for a specific topic within a content marketing strategy. It provides a broad overview of the topic, establishes expertise, and links to a cluster of related, in-depth subtopic pages. This creates a well-organized content hub that offers value to the target audience while improving search engine visibility (SEO).

Key Characteristics of Pillar Pages:

  • Comprehensive: A pillar page covers all essential aspects of the core topic but avoids excessive detail.
  • Authoritative: The content is well-researched, accurate, and demonstrates thought leadership.
  • User-friendly: The information is presented in an engaging, easy-to-follow structure with clear navigation to subtopics.
  • Optimized for SEO: Pillar pages target relevant keywords, employ strong on-page optimization, and are designed to attract backlinks.
  • Linking structure: Pillar pages strategically interlink with cluster content (blog posts, articles, videos, etc.) that explores subtopics in detail.